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FLY WATER is centrally located in the heart of Ontario’s best fly fishing Rivers. A large amount of our river systems rise from the Niagara Escarpment (World Biosphere Reserve) and higher elevations of the central part of Southern Ontario.  These rivers flow to one of  four major Great Lake water bodies  that border this part of the province. To the North is Georgian Bay, to the West is Lake Huron known as the West coast of Southern Ontario, and to The South Lake Erie and Lake Ontario.  


Along with spring fed tributaries flowing from the Escarpment, there is also vast sand plains, Morians, and Drumlin fields in southern and eastern areas.  Large amounts of ground water percolates from these formations into our rivers and streams creating year round cold water habitat for resident populations of Trout.


All  the Great Lakes support large populations of Steelhead and Brown Trout. These fish run all the rivers and streams flowing to these lakes. We are blessed to have large numbers of wild naturally reproducing populations. The cold water tributaries in combination with larger rivers warming in summer, supports prolific aquatic life, insect hatches, natural feeding habits, and imprinting of young fish.  All of these factors resulting in Wild Steelhead that take well to the fly.

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